Massage for Corporate Events

As well as regular On-Site Massage sessions, Essential Vitality has many years of experience providing corporate massages at specific events for companies, such as:

Event group massage

Wellbeing Events: It makes good business sense to include massage at your Wellbeing days for staff, as a great way to support employee welfare!

Staff Team Days: Providing massage at work on designated team days is an excellent way of demonstrating the company’s appreciation of its staff.

Particularly Stressful Period: During a period where employees are under particular pressure: for example Year End, On-Site Massage will reward staff, give encouragement, and boost morale.

Client Incentives and Rewards: Providing On-Site Massage for clients can add that extra dimension to your company.

Corporate Events and Exhibitions: Offer On-Site Massage at your stand to attract and retain clients. The re-energising massage will definitely give clients a much needed boost, and bring attention to your exhibition stand.

Conferences: Delegates will appreciate a stress-relieving, revitalising On-Site Massage treatment during their break.

How will your employees react when you reward them with On-Site Massage?

Person receiving neck massage whilst relaxing in the special ergonomic on site massage chair at an eventDiscover how they will feel more appreciated, be more motivated, and incentivised to be more productive!

Contact us to find out how we can provide On-Site Massage at Corporate events