How good is your work life balance? According to statistics published by the HSE, in 2020/21 there were approximately 1.7 million working people in Great Britain suffering from a work-related illness. Of these, 822,000 were work-related stress, depression, or anxiety.

Conditions such as these can have a huge impact on our lives both at work and at home, and can affect how we carry out our day to day responsibilities.

This demonstrates how crucial it is to look after ourselves, and to make positive changes to our habits at work, where possible, to help to improve our well-being.

These changes don’t have to be drastic; implementing even small changes to our working day can have a positive impact on our well-being.

Here are some of our suggestions:

Schedule a lunch break. Have you ever worked through your lunch break, eating a sandwich with one hand and typing with the other? Then this tip is for you! This may be surprising, but working continuously without taking a proper break can actually have a negative impact on your work as, if you’re tired, you’ll struggle to focus. Instead, we recommend stepping away from your desk to eat your lunch – so you’ll come back feeling refreshed and ready to carry on with renewed focus.

Get plenty of exercise. Exercise is brilliant for physical well-being, with endorphins offering an additional mental and emotional boost.

Spend time outdoors. Going outdoors and spending time in the fresh air – preferably a green space – can be both uplifting and re-energising. Why not take a walk during your lunch break?

Stay hydrated. Keep a reusable water bottle beside your desk to help you remember to drink throughout the day. Keeping hydrated helps to improve concentration and cognition, and reduce fatigue.

Keep a supply of healthy snacks at work. Bring a healthy, balanced lunch and some snacks such as fresh fruit or nuts to work to satisfy any cravings you have for a sweet treat. Sugary drinks and snacks can give you a blood sugar ‘high’, leaving you feeling tired and lethargic afterwards.

Pay attention to your posture. Sitting hunched over your desk or laptop can lead to muscular aches and fatigue. Why not consider booking a DSE Assessment to have your home or office workstation assessed? You could also consider adding in stretching exercises – some of which are even desk based – to help relieve tension in your neck, back, and shoulders. 

Finally, try to create a positive mindset. It can be easier said than done, but do your best to think positively about your work and responsibilities, dwell on the aspects that you enjoy about work rather than the ones that you don’t, try to find a way to address and resolve negative aspects, and try to avoid negativity and gossip in the workplace.

Many of us say that we’re going to prioritise our well-being, and then forget about it until it’s too late and we’ve reached a crisis point. Why not start now? Let us know how you get on!

For more information on our well-being workshops to promote employee self-care, please get in touch at